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Children as Learners

At BunnyBears we value children's interactions and look for opportunities for younger and older children to play together. We do so by playing together in the early mornings and late afternoons. However, we separate into our age groups to do age-appropriate activities, play, and work.

Our carefully selected, nature-inspired, alternative play materials allow children and teachers to wonder together while nurturing children’s creativity and imagination.

We learn through play and daily explorations. Teachers and children are partners in discovery! Social interactions and learning are crucial in our home-like, child-centered environment.

Children don’t have to be potty trained before enrollment. We work together with children and families helping our children to master potty skills.


Created for babies 3months – 24 months old. While we understand how much growth and development takes place at this time, our main focus is to support families and infants during this time of new beginnings as well as focus on personal care and individual development.

Providing physical comfort, bonding with the caregiver, and flexible feeding schedules take up most of the time in the infant room. We strive for our infants to feel safe and well cared for, feel love and attention from their caregivers while being stimulated and nurtured.

Clean and calming spaces are the focus of the environment in the young infant room.


18months – 36months. Our toddler room is busy with mobile and active explorers. The environment is laid out to support free movement. It also reflects the preschool classroom focusing on toddlers' needs. There are tables for snack and art activities, a sensory play station, cozy pillow spaces for book reading, and open spaces for light and shadow exploration.
Toddlers are learning to eat their meals sitting down at the table family style. They are introduced to group gatherings for story readings, nursery rhymes and engage in process-driven art activities. Music and movement accompany active toddlers.

Outdoors spaces are offered for sensory and active play. All toddlers follow the flow of the day that includes snack times, group and exploring time, outdoor activities, lunch, and naps time.

Preschool Program

Caterpillars - 2 year old group
  • To make a successful transition from home to school: learn to say a brave goodbye and establish the rule that “mommy and daddy ALWAYS come back”; build trustful and loving relationships with teachers, start creating friendships. Fall in love with school and learning environment, look forward to coming to school again.

  • Learn how to hold a painting brush and get messy at the art table!

  • Sing many songs and exercise hard-working fingers while singing fingerplays.

  • “Read” as many books as you want, join your teachers and friends for storytime and small impromptu book reading circles throughout the day. Read inside, read outside, read when you wake up from nap time…

  • Participate in large group activities such as Morning Meeting and Story Time.

  • Indulge in as many sensory play materials as you can: homemade silly putty and play dough, molding moon sand, red pottery clay, molding clay, and many more…

  • Begin working on fine motor skills: lace large wooden beads and stack toys.

  • Build on vocabulary while reading books with teachers and friends; practice speaking language at the felt board.

  • Practice manners at the snack table and while playing with friends.

  • Start recognizing first name letters and play alphabet games on the felt board.

  • Take care of our friends, offer them a hug, hold their hand or give them a soft back rub, when they are sad. Bring an ice pack or a tissue when the friend is sad, and sit down to read a book to comfort one.

  • Learn to share and take turns. Use simple words to ask for a turn.

Butterflies - 3 year old Group
  • Continuation of what we already have been practicing in the caterpillar room

  • Become a problem solver: Start using your words to express your feeling and listening to how others feel.

  • Challenge fine motor skills when lacing necklaces and bracelets with a variety of different beads.

  • Combine your fine motor skills and hand-eye coordination and start working with scissors.

  • Start spelling names using picture cards that teachers make with children using “writing without tears” curves and sticks.

  • Count everything we see around.

  • Make beautiful vivid art paintings experimenting with all the rainbow colors. Start making smiley faces in your drawings.

  • Explore nature and sort out, group, and organize natural materials in the nature center.

Dragonflies – 4 year old group
  • Continuation of what we’ve been learning in the Butterfly room

  • Become an explorer and ask as many questions as you can. Create your theories looking for answers in many different books with teachers and friends. Never stop wondering Why and How.

  • Find your voice. Respect the speaker and wait for your turn to share your ideas.

  • Resect school rules and recognize the importance of small and large group work.

  • Use your fine motor skills to create elaborate bead and wirework. Use your critical thinking skills while doing weaving projects and sawing. Cut with scissors to make collages and felt board storytelling pieces.

  • Learn how to write your name. Spell your first and last name. Continue showing off your knowledge while spelling your mom’s, dad’s names; your sibling's and pet's names! Memorize your street address.

  • Start making representational drawings using many different art tools. Know your favorite at media and continue mastering it; whether it is pastels, molding textures, jewelry making

  • Be the problem solver; communicate with your friends and teachers.

  • Be independent: put on your shoes, jacket, and shirt. Use the bathroom independently and follow through with handwashing routines independently.

  • Get excited about kindergarten and the future learning experience. Be a confident, caring, and loving human being. Kindergarten awaits you!

Our programs are not highly structured, but we believe that children need a simple routine to feel safe and secure in their environment. Our flow of the day includes group meetings, independent and collective exploration time, and outdoor play.

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